

Entries for 'aspires2'

The Diocese of Tucson community cares about God’s creation
Source February 27, 2024 Bishop Edward Weisenburger conducted a survey of Catholic parishes, schools, service organizations, and religious communities across the Diocese of Tucson. His question was: how does the Diocese of Tucson care for God’s creation? Care for Creation was defined by...

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Diocese celebrates Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion
Source SALT LAKE CITY — The annual Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion brought hundreds of people to the Cathedral of the Madeleine on Feb. 17 as the men, women and children who intend to become full members of the Catholic Church at Easter undertook one of their final steps ...

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Mensaje del Obispo Solis 2024 Cuaresma
Source By El Rev. Oscar A. Solis Obispo de Salt Lake City El Miércoles de Ceniza nuestra Iglesia comienza el tiempo de Cuaresma, invitándonos a un camino espiritual de 40 días de oración, ayuno y buenas obras enfocados en el Misterio Pascual del sufrimiento, muerte y resurrección de Cristo. Est...

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Bishop Solis’s Lenten Message 2024
Source By The Most Rev. Oscar A. Solis Bishop of Salt Lake City On Ash Wednesday our Church began the Season of Lent, inviting us to embark on a 40-day spiritual journey of prayer, fasting and good works focused on the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. This ye...

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Raising Catholic kids: New study suggests what successful parents have in common
Source At or near the top of almost any Catholic parent’s list of things they want for their children is for them to continue practicing their Catholic faith into adulthood. But recent statistics paint a sobering picture: In the United States today, only about 15 percent of children raised ...

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Lenten Calendar 2024

Posted on February 15, 2024 in: General News, General News

Lenten Calendar 2024
Source Each day has both a lenten challenge and the name of one of our friends on the street that we ask you to hold in your prayers. Thank you for participating in this year’s Christ in the City lenten exercises!  

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